Mestre ba DAY – Teachers


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Hanorin hahú husi Marsu 2019

Alberto introdús ba yoga iha ninia tinan liu rua-nulu liuhosi klase introdusaun yoga ba JDN* ne’ebé nia serbisu part time ba. Nia aprende ona katak yoga mak ezersísiu ida di’ak liu atu aprende kona ba meditasaun no bele halo ita-nia isin-lolon saudavel liu, nia atraidu no deside atu halo pratika. Depois tempu balun husi pratika yoga Alberto haree mudansa kompletu iha ninia isin-lolon tomak. Alberto espresa katak; “Ha’u sai forte liu, ativu liután. Iha pratika, ha’u hahú atu foku barak ba iha ha’u nia kotuk laran no ida ne’e afeta ha’u nia kotuk laran di’ak loos. Depois pratika ona ba fulan tolu ha’u hahú atu haree ba progresu liután iha ha’u nia isin-lolon sai fleksivel no balansu liután. Ha’u besik ona atu halo poses hotu iha Ashtanga série primária**, ne’ebé halo emosionante no hakfodak tebes. Liuhosi haree ba mudansa sira ne’e iha ha’u nia moris no isin-lolon ha’u kontinua atu pratika barak liután iha dadeer-dadeer atu sai fleksivel, forsa no balansu liután.”

Progresu iha ninia pratika ho lailais, nia hahú atu hanorin nia kolega estudante sira no fahe mós ho membru balun husi ninia família. Depois fulan tolu husi ninia viajen ho yoga, nia hahú treinamentu ba mestre yoga no estájiu ho Dili Ashtanga Yoga. Tanba ninia abilidade atu hanorin yoga sai di’ak liu, nia ho ninia kolega mestre asistente hahú atu hanorin klase yoga kompletu no klase oioin.

Ba ninia viajen yoga ne’ebé kontinua Alberto aspira atu sai mestre yoga ne’ebé di’ak ho moris saudavel no atu promove moris saudavel husi ema seluk.”

*JDN: Juventude ba Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál

**Ashtanga primary series: Sekuénsia espesífiku husi Hatha yoga asana/poses ho foku iguál ba halolo no haforsa.

Teaching since March 2019

Alberto was introduced to yoga in his late twenties through an introduction yoga class for JVN* where he was volunteering. He learned that yoga is the best exercise to learn about meditation and can make our body healthier, he was attracted and decided to join in. After some time of joining yoga Alberto noticed a slightly change in my whole body. Alberto expressed; “I became stronger, more active. In practicing, I started to work more in my back and it affects my back really good. After being practicing for three months I started to see the progress in my body becoming more flexible and balance. I was able to do almost all the poses in the Ashtanga primary series**, which was exciting. By seeing those changes in my life and body I kept practicing most in the morning to get more flexible, strong and balanced”

Progressing in his practice quickly, he started to teach his fellow students and share it also with some of his family members. Three months after his journey with yoga started he began a yoga teacher training and internship with Dili Ashtanga Yoga. As his ability to teach yoga improved he and his fellow assistant teachers started to teach full yoga classes and different kind of cclasses.

For his ongoing yoga journey Alberto aspires to be a good yoga teacher living a healthy life and to promote the healthy life of other people.”

*JVN: Juventude ba Dezenvolvimentu Nasional

**Ashtanga primary series: a specific sequence of Hatha yoga asana/poses with equal focus on stretching and strengthening.

below)\nHanorin hahú husi Novembru 2020

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At the age of 16, I Kadek decided to leave his home and work and life in one of Bali’s oldest Ashram. So he could give a different direction to his life and provide for his further education. It was then that I Kadek got introduced to the practices of yoga. In particular the practice of Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. Not much later he was teaching his fellow ashram residents yoga asana and was assisting with various yoga retreats that were organised at the location.
After finishing his education and working in hospitality, he decided again to give a different direction to his life and pursuit the practice of yoga and Ashtanga vinyasa yoga. He fulfilled his 200hr + yoga teacher training in 2019, certifided by the yoga alliance in Dili, East Timor at Dili Ashtanga Yoga. Which not only focused on Ashtanga Yoga but provided a broad foundation of the hatha yoga and vinyasa styles.
I Kadek his classes contain always a certain flow, it can be gentle to more strong. And there will be always aspects that are challenging for body and/or mind. With his Ashtanga background and as a self practice, his classes often contain physical adjustments, vinyasa elements and back bends. I Kadek can teach both Mysore and LED classes, primary and second series and is practicing himself up to 4th series. His regular classes are definitely inspired on the Ashtanga system but he isn’t afraid to modify his teaching to the personal needs of his students.

200hr yoga teacher training certified yoga alliance 04/01 to 31/03 2018

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Hanorin hahú husi Fevereiru 2019

Henrique konvida ona atu pratika yoga dadeer husi ninia kolega ida. Nia hanoin katak yoga bele halo ninia isin-lolon sai fleksivel liután. Ninia kolega la kontinua klase sira ho regular maibé Henrique sempre mai ho regular. Maske semana primeiru ninia isin-lolon mak moras loos, nia sente duni ninia benefísiu sira. Nia bele toba di’ak liután no sente enerjiku durante loron. Nia kontinua ninia klase yoga dadeer no agora ne’e nia pratika hela série primária no sekundária husi Ashtanga vinyasa yoga*.

Tanba nia nudár mestre ida, nia hakarak atu partilla benefísiu sira ne’ebé mensiona ona no benefísiu barak seluk husi yoga ho ninia estudante sira, ajuda sira atu atinje moris ida saudavel liután. Tuir fali pratika no hanorin yoga, nia mós estuda hela Nutrisaun iha UNTL** nia hakarak atu ajuda redús mal-nutrisaun ba labarik sira iha Timor-Leste.

* Estilu husi Hatha yoga ne’ebé serbisu ho sekuénsia espesífiku no ida ne’ebé konekta pose ida ba ida seluk atu kria pratika ida dinámika ho foku iguál ba halolo no haforsa.

** Universidade Nacional Timor-Leste

Henrique was invited to join a yoga morning class through one of his friends. He thought that yoga would make his body more flexible. His friend didn’t continue the classes regular but Henrique did. Though the first weeks his body was painful, he did feel the benefits. He could sleep much better and felt much more energetic during the day. He continued his yoga morning classes and is now practicing 1st and 2nd series of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga*.

As he teacher he would like to share the mentioned benefits and the many other benefits of yoga with his students, helping them to attain a healthier life. Next to practicing and teaching yoga Henrique is studying Nutrition at UNTL** he would like to help to reduce malnutrition with children in Timor Leste .

* a style of Hatha yoga that works with specific sequences and which connect one pose with the other to create a dynamic practice with equal focus on lengthening and strengthening.
**national university of Timor Leste

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Hanorin hahú husi Novembru 2020

Abai foin primeira vés introdús ba yoga molok Timor Leste tama ba iha estadu emerjénsia no la kluer klase yoga públiku sira la disponivel tan. Nia pratika yoga dala rua de’it iha fin semana rua iha Restaurante Ocean View no fila kedas ba klase kuandu klase sira mak ativa fali. Nia sai tiha practitioner ida ne’ebé regulár no dedikadu. Nia pratika loro-loron no dalaruma dala rua kada loron. Ida ne’e la’os fasil no ninia isin lolon moras tebes, ninia neon nota efeitu pozitivu sira. Abai iha kapasidade diak hodi observa no konsentra, no nia hahú hanorin ninia klase dahuluk iha fulan Novembru 2020. Nia dehan: “yoga ne’e di’ak ba ema hotu-hotu atu mellora sira-nia saúde. Yoga ajuda ema ne’ebé neon la kalma bele kalma. Maibé iha Timor ema barak la hatene kona ba yoga. Entaun agora ita tenke serbisu hamutuk atu habelar yoga iha ita-nia rai doben Timor Leste.””W nx sente mento kona ba yoga,, yoga exercicio ida nbe diak tbes ba w nx moris,, Wainhira w sdauk tuir yoga,,, iha fulan janeru w iha mras ida W nx familia sra mos hanoin w tamba w nia saude la diak,, No mos ema vizinu sra mos hanoin hotu w tamba hare liu ba w nx saude la diak,,,, Bainhira W tuir yoga hamotuk Ho Maun Ahimsa iha kampobaru ho Bebonuk dader dader,, liu dt fulan ida w nx isin mos komesa mudansa nahhh,,,,,,, Ntaun mana ida ami vizunu ne hare w nx isin la hanesan uluk nahhh,,, Mana ne husu mai W,,,,, Dehan Abay U hmotuk ho U nx Malae ne dader dader tuir yoga ne,,, U nx isin komesa diak na la hnesan uluk nahh,,,,,,,,

teaching since November 2020

Abai was introduced to yoga just before Timor Leste went into a state of emergency and the public yoga classes weren’t available anymore. He had done 2 weekends of classes at the Ocean View location , and returned as soon as the classes were back again. He became a dedicated regular practitioner. Not only once a day, sometimes even twice. It wasn’t easy and his body had a lot of pain, his mind noticed the positive effects. Abai has a keen capacity of observation and concentration, and started teaching his first classes in November 2020. As he says: “”yoga is good for everybody to improve their health. It ccan help people who don’t have calm mind. But in Timor many people don’t know about yoga. So now we must be together to spread yoga in our beloved land, Timor.” “My feelings about yoga: yoga is the best exercise for my life. Before join yoga, in January 2020, i had a sickness, it made all my family members and neighbours thinking of me as i don’t have a good health. But when i joined yoga with maun Ahimsa iha Kampung Baru and Bebonuk every mornings, not long after a month my body changed completely. My neighbours surprised on the improvement of my health as i no longer weak like before. A sister addressed me like this: Abai i heard you together with one foreigner doing yoga, i can notice yoga health is not like before anymore.”


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Hanorin dezde Outubru 2020

David aprende kona-ba yoga husi ninia maun boot Alberto. Alberto hanesan mestre yoga Timor-oan dahuluk iha Timor. David komesa tuir nia maun ninia klase depois klase sira iha CCI-TL loke fali hafoin konfinamentu obrigatóriu iha inísiu tinan 2020. David no ninia kolega Sancho sai estudante regulár iha klase kalan sira. Iha fulan Outubru tinan 2020, David hahú ajuda hanorin iha klase balun no hanorin iha yoga retreat. Iha Novembru nia hahú hanorin ninia klase rasik.

David hatete kona-ba yoga: “Ha’u gosta tebes prátika yoga tanba bele halo forsa ha’u-nia isin no halo hakmatek ha’u-nia neon. Uluk ha’u la hatene saida mak yoga, maibé agora ha’u hatene objetivu sira husi yoga hanesan ha’u temi ona. Liuhusi yoga ha’u bele aprende no esperiénsia buat barak husi yoga retreat iha fatin oioin hanesan: illa Jaco, Baucau Matebian, Venilale, Laclubar no foho Maubere. Ha’u mós hasoru ema barak husi nasaun oioin. Ha’u gosta no kontente tebes.”

Teaching since October 2020

David learned about yoga from his older Alberto. Who is one of the first Timorese yoga teachers in Timor. David started to attain the classes of his brother soon after the classes at CCI-TL opened again after the lock down in beginning of 2020. David and his friend Sancho became regular students at the evening classes. In October 2020-00 David started to assist teaching at some classes and at the yoga retreats. In November he started teaching his own classes.
David says about yoga: “ I really like to practice yoga because it can strengthen my body and calm my mind. Before i did not know what is yoga, but now i know the objectives of yoga as i mentioned. Through yoga i can learn and experience many things from yoga retreats in many different places such as: Jaco island, Baucau Matebian, Venilale, Laclubar and foho Maubere. I also met many people from difference countries. I really enjoy and I’m so happy.”


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Hanorin dezde Outubru 2020

Sancho iha ninia esperiénsia yoga dahuluk iha Turiscai, ninia suku iha foho iha Timor Leste, iha ne’ebé Alberto halo introdusaun ba klase yoga kona ba saúde. Esperiénsia daruak mak iha Dili hamutuk ho ninia kolega David. Hamutuk sira kontinua pratika yoga no esplora hanorin yoga. Sancho estuda naran Sanskrit husi pozisaun ne’ebé nia prátika no esplora mós acroyoga*. Iha yoga retreat iha Same iha Novembru 2020 nia hahú fó asisténsia ba hanorin no mós hahú halo klase mesak iha CCI-TL.

Sancho dehan: “Buat hotu importante ba ita maibé yoga importante liu ba ita-nia moris tanba bele hadi’a ita-nia saúde. Yoga bele ajuda hadi’a ita-nia saúde ne’ebé dala ruma susar atu hadi’a. Ha’u hetan introdusaun ba yoga dala rua iha Dili no Turiscai. Ulukliu ha’u haree isin-lolon ne’ebé estika naruk, hamriik ho ulun no liman. Ha’u ta’uk tebes tanba ha’u la hatene benefísiu husi yoga. 1. Yoga bele halo forsa ita-nia isin-lolon, kria isin-lolon ne’ebé saudavel, kontrola ita-nia isin-lolon atu hakmatek no konsentra didi’ak. 2. Yoga lori ona benefísiu barak mai ha’u.”
Teaching since October 2020

Sancho had his first yoga experience in Turiscai, his home village in the mountains of Timor Leste, where Alberto did an introduction yoga class for health. The 2nd experience was in Dili together with his friend David. Together the continued yoga and explored teaching yoga. Sancho studied the Sanskrit names of the position he practiced and the explored acroyoga * aswell. At the Same yoga retreat in November 2020 he started assisting teaching and started also doing classes on his own at CCI-TL. Sancho: “Everything is important to us but yoga is more important for our lives because it can improve our health. It can help to improve our health that sometimes impossible to get better. I was introduced to yoga two times in Dili and Turiscai. At first i saw stretching the body, head stand and handstand. I was so scared because I did not know the benefits of yoga. 1. Yoga can strengthen our body, create a healthy body, control our body to be calm and have full concentration. 2. Yoga has brought lots of benefits to me.”


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Hanorin dezde Dezembru 2022

Isac interese ba yoga hafoin ko’alia ho ami-nia mestre yoga ida bainhira para iha ninia karreta-roda-tolu hodi fa’an nuu fresku. Ba tinan 2 liu Isac pratika yoga, tuir kursu kona ba mekániku, fa’an nuu no ajuda família iha konstrusaun. Depois pandemia no nia remata nia estudu mekániku, nia hahú hanorin. Primeiru hanorin iha ninia sentru edukasaun uluk nian: AHHA/ SOLS24/7 (science of life systems). No lakleur tan hanorin organizasaun oioin no klase dadeer. Yoga ajuda atu hasai hanoin negativu sira mak razaun ida husi nia atu pratika yoga no hanorin.

Teaching since December 2022

Isac got interested in yoga after talking to one of our yoga teachers when he stopped at his coconut cart for a fresh coconut water. For more than 2 years he followed classes next to his mechanic study, selling coconut and helping family with construction. After the pandemic and finishing his study he started with teaching. First at his previous education center: AHHA/ SOLS24/7 (science of life systems). And soon for different organizations and morning classes. Yoga helps to get rid of negative thinking is one of his reasons to pursue the practice of yoga and to teach it.


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